Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday to my son. He is seven today. It is a little amazing to think of myself as a mom of a seven year old. It is a beautiful sunny day to remember my little guy's spring birth. When we brought him home from the hospital seven years ago, snow flurries hung on the edges of the daffodils. Tiny pink perenials that we had cut from Chris's grandmother's garden were blooming. She has since passed away and we are in a new house but I always think of Ruth and those flowers on this day. It is amazing that with your first child you are able to luxuriate in the newness of their life. With my second child I was already too busy to just watch him sleep.


Blogger TamraW said...

Say Happy Birthday to your little guy!

Just wait until you're the mother of a 17 year old. I have a very hard time wrapping my brain around that one!

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday I.!! I remember the exact spot I was standing in when I got the call that you were born. It is really an honor watching you grow from afar. Hope your jumproping went well too!!

Give your mama a kiss for me.

7:56 PM  
Blogger annawritedraw said...

I used to hate it when Mom's would tell me, "enjoy it, it goes so quickly." Really people are saying live in the moment. I think we have.

10:28 AM  

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