Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm Back

My last post was twelve days ago and I'm truly thrilled to be back and posting again. When our parents warned us about being starving artists they didn't know about the stress of debt. Yes, we eat fine in the Boll house but right around the 15th of each month we start wondering about how we will make it to the 30th. I've been applying to restaurants, LL Bean and a job for the fall. So far, nothing has come through. If something did come through for the summer my time table is so odd with caring for my kids I don't know how anyone would schedule me.

So, I turned in my application packet for a part-time adjunct lecturers position at Bowdoin yesterday. If I got the job, I'd be teaching Environmental Education, supervising 10 Bowdoin students in elementary school placements. It is a dream job for me and I thought about staying quiet about it. But, like a pregnancy, if things don't work out, you want to have the support of those who care. So, I'm hoping to get an interview at least. We'll see.

While I've been working at get work, the work I love, my writing and illustrating, has been shoved aside like some in-the-way child who is sulking in the corner asking to be played with. Print, draw, write, create, it says. I do have my sister coming in mid-July and I've been saving my pennies for an intensive illustration course at the Maine College of Art. I'm really looking forward to it! Hoping to end up with a dummy for Roar! that I can send off immediately.

I got a nice rejection from Kirchoff/Wohlberg. My picture books are age appropriate but picture books are a hard sell these days. (I know, I know!) Really they are looking for middle grade or young adult novels. Won't that market get flooded too? Geez. Happy first day of summer!


Blogger letile said...

Happy first day of summer to you too!
Hope the job comes through, I'll keep my fingers crossed-
Just thinking of you. Nice to catch up via internet.
See you soon,

11:03 PM  

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