Monday, May 23, 2005

Great Conference

Wow! What a great conference. All those involved in the planning of the New England SCBWI deserve a big round of applause. Things went smoothly, sessions ran on time, the speakers were intelligent (academic even) and though provoking. I learned a lot. I think my favorite sessions were from Jennifer Richard Jacobson, on creating remarkable characters, and Alexis O'Neill, on great school visits,

I was able to make a lot of contacts and show my art work. The poster looked good and I was proud of my work. My critique was helpful. Edie Weinberg of Macmillan/McGraw Hill was positive about my work and gave me very concrete suggestions on how to improve my presentation and my art work. The first looks panel was not too harsh. I think when we are honest with ourselves we are not surprised with blunt or straightforward critique. I felt I already knew it in my heart.

The best part of these events is how I get recharged. My hotel room gave me the idea for my third novel. ( I wonder when I will get out number one and write number two....hmmmm) I got a great brainstorm about how a squirrel can help me with my dummy of Wanted, New Mommy. This and much more.

I will try to check in regularly to update you on progress and post new art as it becomes available. Today-- work on Wanted dummy.

It is raining outside, the radio says this was the 5th weekend in a row. A parent at pre-school said that we will not see the sun until June 1 according to computer weather sites. Ugh! This will only make for wacky children and a foggy headed Mommy. Oh well. Onward!


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