Monday, May 08, 2006

NESCBWI conference thoughts part 2

Illustration. Visual storytelling. Each image needs a focus, intriguing characters, relationships between characters (action and reaction), setting, costumes, the drawing is the thing (to paraphrase Shakespeare). At least twice last weekend, illustrators compared illustration to acting. Linda S. Wingerter presented her art that glows with color and emotion after layers and layers of acrylic paint and glazes. Timothy Basil Ering presented his huge body of work that showed his evolution from high school doodler to fine artist and illustrator. Linda showed how her work came from a very spiritual place, while Timothy was passion, and enthusiasm to the core. Each artist has completely different art but each used the idea of theatre to convey the process of their work.

Throughout the weekend, in addition to the presentations, I also participated in a portfolio showcase and a critique. Originally, I was just going to do the showcase (a jury of industry professionals judge your work) but I was left so empty after the experience as their was no feedback. Either you won or you didn't. I didn't win. Does that mean keep going? Fuggetaboudid? What? I felt I had to have a critique after that. The critique was honest, blunt, and hopeful. In one drawing, I may have a character but not interaction. In another, I may have interaction, but not the setting. My visual storytelling is not on par with my writing and I know that. Going into Timothy's presentation I was feeling defeated and sad. I spent so much time working on new pieces for the portfolio, and then felt inferior.

After Timothy's speech, I found a new point of view. The one that has kept me going so far. Presevere, he said. Tenacity, he said. Skill and experience, he showed. And so, for the next six months I am making the resolution to only use graphite. To work on value, the lights and darks that help a reader find the focus and emotion in a scene. To be the director of each image as if it is a play. The drawing is the thing!


Blogger Donna Farrell said...

go anna!

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

2:39 PM  

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