Thank you Saint Valentine
I love Valentine's day but I sure am glad that this one is over. Let me now confess that I never sent my Christmas/Chanukah cards. I thought for sure I'd do it at the New Year as that has been the pattern over the last few years. When I missed all of January, I promised myself that I would update my friends and family around Valentine's Day. Well, I've missed that too. However, I made two dozen muffins for the first grade Valentine's healthy snack event, and help set-up and clean-up. I also made two dozen cookies for the Pre-school decorating activity. I used mixes so it really wasn't a big deal. What is a big deal is doing those things in addition to everything else. And I mean EVERYTHING else. I'm playing single mom while my hubby is on Navy detachment. The hardest part is not being able to tag off. Not having my teammate. "You read, I'll be on KP." or "You wash hair, and I'll wipe the tushy." I always get stuck with the gross thing but at least it isn't everything.
We had a playdate after school then we ate breakfast for dinner. I made heart shaped pancakes. (Helpful hint: put the batter in a squeeze ketchup bottle so you can make shapes: hearts, bears, giraffes) This evening we read all the valentines that came home and made candy bags for each kiddo. The kids did their jobs, with much procrastination, then I read a few chapters in Magic Tree House. They were asleep within minutes. Now it's my turn. Oops. I still have to clean the kitchen. It'll wait. That's my Valentine to myself.
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