Sunday, July 23, 2006

Children's Illustration Class

Last week there was no time for blogging as I was commuting to the Maine College of Art for my Children's Illustration class with Judy LaBrasca. I was hard at work from 9-5 all week. Tuesday was the most difficult as it was about 120 degrees on the fourth floor of the Porteous building. My fellow students were very kind and talented people with varying knowledge about the publishing industry. Judy honored my knowledge and let me speak about SCBWI and Maine Illustrators' Collective.

During the week, I was able to take my ROAR manuscript to the next level. I started the week with a manuscript just under 500 words. I think I cut at least 200 of those words as my vision for the illustrations became more concrete. I found that many of my words were redundant and I ended up getting rid of them. I analyzed other picture books by creating story boards for existing books and learned a lot about pacing. I also focussed on character development using clay to sculpt my main character. (A technique borrowed from David Weisner, Tuesday.) I found that after this process, I was intimately aware of the curves and lines that made up the character. I also completed two finishes for spreads. I am working on the book dummy I will submit to publishers.

Now that I am home, I hope to do one spread sketch a week for the dummy. I am eager to start the submissions process as this book has been a work in progress for about four years now. I am efficient when I have a long period of time to work (and no internet or children to interrupt me.)

School will be starting before we know it. I have the Staples commercial playing in my head, "It's the most wonderful time of the year..."


Blogger Donna Farrell said...

sounds like the class was wonderful Anna...

8:42 AM  

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