Thursday, June 30, 2005

There's a file with my name on it...

I'm doubting that anyone is looking at my blog thinking, "What am I going to do, Anna didn't update her blog!" So I will only apologize once for not writing for this week: "Sorry." And only give one excuse: "Sick kiddo." That should be enough.

Today I had my nicest rejection so far. A phone call with a wonderful person from Great Arrow cards. She had nice things to say about my writing and had some great hints about how to make the art better. She said that they would "keep a file," on me. Now a lot of Art Directors say they keep files on artists but one never knows if one has a "file" anywhere. (Except maybe the FBI since the patriot act...) So I am thrilled to know that there is a file in western New York with my name on it. I imagine the yellow post-it notes on the inside of the folder: "nice copy", "images crude", "simple design, and space good," "too childish, should be more sophisticated." Maybe after a few more designs the notes will say, "this one's a keeper." I can always dream.


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