Another election day and recent television offerings made me think about what we are trying to say to our leaders by what we choose to watch. First let me say that I've been a bit of a couch potato recently and I'm somewhat embarrassed to report on this at all but here goes.
The West Wing has been in the middle of an election. Sunday's episode was a live (really) debate between the two candidates who on air, abandon the rules and agree to a straight debate. Each of them has moments where they choose to be straight with the "American public" about their ideas and the shortcomings of their policies and programs. The new show about the presidency with Geena Davis as the president has her confronting the press and setting the record straight on an insider tell all book.
Lesson: We are craving honesty and straight forward communication from our political leaders. We have been lied to by presidents of both parties and their inner circle as well as business leaders and celebrities. We are trying desperately to teach our children honesty and responsibility but are faced with constant unethical behavior by those in the public eye.
I think My Name is Earl is the funniest show on tv right now. Earl has resolved to change his life and is trying to make good on the bad things he's done.
Lesson: Do unto others as you'd have them do to you. Kindness pays. Have an open mind. Wouldn't it be nice if corporations our leaders would consider the golden rule as they create environmental and labor policies.
The Biggest Loser is one reality show I'm willing to watch. Here are people who have pledged to turn their lives around in the face of our fast food eating self indulgent culture. They are losing weight and exercising, providing role models for others of the millions of obese individuals who are watching. I've never seen reality show contestants that are more remorseful to say goodbye to the other contestants. They have formed a bond that has helped them succeed in reaching their goals.
Lesson: We can succeed if we join together. We are stronger united than divided. Competition can be helpful and can push us to increase our expectations of ourselves. There is no goal to difficult to reach if you have the appropriate support and education.
If you just read the lessons you'd have my platform for life. Remember this on Election Day 2006, Tuesday, November 7th. VOTE!