Sunday, July 31, 2005

Work and fun

It has been a very laid back weekend. My two sons came in from the deck where they were "helping" daddy paint weather seal on the new deck. "I thought you were helping Daddy," I say. My older son replies, "It was work. Hard work." I wanted to say, I never promised you a rose garden, but since he is only six and it is hard work I let it go. I weather sealed the deck. I suppose my husband tried to sell it as "really fun to do." I guess the Tom Sawyer principle did not work in this case.

Last Thursday, my four year old and I drove to Boothbay Harbor High School where we parked our car and took a school bus to the "Books and Blooms" event. Authors and illustrators of adult and children's books were signing their books in the Botanical Gardens. It was an absolutely beautiful day and an idyllic setting (rhododendron on a rocky slope with a frog pond at the bottom) for the event. I was able to pitch the Fall Folio Feast (portfolio showcase event) to the illustrators. I'm trying to get established illustrators to tell their art directors that there are a lot of talented people worth coming to see. So anyway, the event was great but my time with my son was fabulous. He was so easy going, he loved the kids' activities at the event and the trip on the school bus made me pretty spectacular for the day. We sang and talked on the car ride and had a great time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


My husband grew up in western New York and we both went to the University of Rochester. When we drove into the rolling farmlands of New York it felt like a homecoming of sorts. Even though we were traveling in the pick-up for hours and hours, one of the best things was getting away from my car and the chauffeuring of children. We were able to enjoy the simplicity of camping. The mountains gratefully blocked any cell phone transmission. I didn't have to worry about telling my children to stop watching TV--it just wasn't there. We laughed and sang and grumped at each other. (How many jokes can a 6 and 4 year old make up that has the word poop in the punchline? I'm still counting.) My husband and I talked about what if's and the future as bugs nibbled our ankles around the campfire.

Now I'm home. I am refreshed and ready to get busy. My computer and a ton of email were waiting for me. I am glad to be back but it was great to get away.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Four days in a truck camper

This morning we pack up the kids, take the dog to the kennel and truck camp it to Coopers Town, NY. Home of the baseball hall of fame and the Borchert Family Reunion. Not exactly the alone time with my hubby I was hoping for. Get ready for weanie roasts, German potato salad and lots and lots of kiddos. Should get some good sketches and great dialouge. Be back next week.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The saga continues

Well, camp is turning out not to be a salavation after all. Instead it has resulted in a driving schedule rivled only by urban transportation systems. However, my son loves it and won't leave when I go to pick him up. He is so hungry and tired that he is grumpy and rude. Not a great homecoming at all. Today, I'm going to make sure that I have snacks and water in the car when I pick him up. I think all transitions are difficult. School to summer. Home to camp. Camp to trip. Summer to school. Kids crave consistancy and the change in schedules as difficult for me as it is for them. Maybe that is why I liked teaching so much.

I don't know when other people are making time for their art. I am getting very frustrated and I must say, sad. Not only for time alone in my studio, but also for time alone with my husband. He is a builder and this is the busy season. We have had a really hard time finding more than bits of time in the evening. At that point we are both beat and not great company anyway. I think we need a week together alone. Ha!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Dirty clothes stage riot

Yea! Hooray! Day camp starts today! Which means I could get right to work...except the house is a wreck.
Today, I see my house as it really is. Toys, puzzle pieces and stray markers are everywhere. Mail in various opened and unopened states cover horizontal spaces. The lack of shelving in our still- pretty- new- and- not- done house is apparent as books spill out of boxes that have started to break apart due to summer humidity and rough treatment from two young boys. Clean clothes that I left in baskets last week is screaming for attention. The new pack of dirty clothes are contemplating a riot and break out from the laundry room.
Will Anna use cleaning as yet another procrastination tool? Will she turn her back on the needs of house and family to pursue her own work? Will she find solace in painting? Will her younger child, who's camp starts tomorrow allow her to get anything done? Read next time as we ponder these and other questions on... Creative Chaos!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

It's off to work we go...

Well it has been a week since the onset of my illness which turned out to be strep throat. It is such a miserable illness. However, the antibiotics cleared up the swollen glands, the sore throat, the headaches, dizziness, and finally I am starting to feel rested.

I am feeling an itch to get back to my writing and drawing. The kids are signed up for a day camp that starts next week and I am eager to have some time to myself. On the top of my list is my entry for the cherry blossom poster festival. I also need to send out more of my writing. Stories and poems have been sitting in piles since my last bout of rejections. I have been researching places for my early chapter book and hope to send out my mystery. My poems need to go to the Cricket group. I have a t-shirt or two I've been designing in my head for a month or so. I will update you on my accomplishments.

The portfolio showcase I am coordinating with the Maine Illustrators' Collective is moving along. I am editing the invites for art directors today and we hope to get them out next week sometime. I hope we get some yes rsvp's.

I tried to update my online portfolio yesterday and was stumped over and over. I am eager to get my website and especially this page redesigned before my fall mailer.

Well, that is an awful lot to do in the next few weeks. It actually makes me smile.

Monday, July 11, 2005

sick, sick, sick

My throat is burning, goopy, and swollen. Has been for two days now. I think I'll go to the doctor. Yesterday, my husband had to work. With a fever, I piled the kids into the car, drove to a friend's lake house and the grown ups there watched the kids while I slept. If your husband won't take care of you, your friends will.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Innocent until proven guilty

Beautiful weekend here in Maine. These are the five days that people move here for. The other 360 make you want to move somewhere warmer. I had a great visit with my sister this weekend. It made me think that I needed a nanny/housekeeper or that the Mormons have the stumbled onto something with bigamy.

I was designing some new greeting cards, including a Hanukah card. I had a bunch of chocolate coins (gelt) on my drawing desk as reference (all still in their gold foil except one which I skillfully bit to create the semi circle tooth marks for the drawing). When I went back to the drawing a day later, my desk was littered with gold foil and there were two very guilty looking boys with chocolate on their cheeks assuring me they had not eaten the chocolate on Mommy's desk. This is why I have a lock on my studio door. I guess I should use it.