It's off to work we go...
Well it has been a week since the onset of my illness which turned out to be strep throat. It is such a miserable illness. However, the antibiotics cleared up the swollen glands, the sore throat, the headaches, dizziness, and finally I am starting to feel rested.
I am feeling an itch to get back to my writing and drawing. The kids are signed up for a day camp that starts next week and I am eager to have some time to myself. On the top of my list is my entry for the cherry blossom poster festival. I also need to send out more of my writing. Stories and poems have been sitting in piles since my last bout of rejections. I have been researching places for my early chapter book and hope to send out my mystery. My poems need to go to the Cricket group. I have a t-shirt or two I've been designing in my head for a month or so. I will update you on my accomplishments.
The portfolio showcase I am coordinating with the Maine Illustrators' Collective is moving along. I am editing the invites for art directors today and we hope to get them out next week sometime. I hope we get some yes rsvp's.
I tried to update my online portfolio yesterday and was stumped over and over. I am eager to get my website and especially this page redesigned before my fall mailer.
Well, that is an awful lot to do in the next few weeks. It actually makes me smile.
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